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Great White Retrievers



We hope that you will enjoy your new pup for years to come.  We have taken every step to ensure that your new pet is happy & healthy..  All puppies are sold with a one year conditional guarantee.



1.   The puppy is not being purchased for resale and will never be sold to a pet shop, puppy mill or agent of same.

2.   Buyer is not to register the puppy under any other Pet Registry, besides American Kennel Club. 

3.   To continue all required vaccine shots as recommended by their vet and proper vet care. It is 

      important the puppy has all puppy shots, and their yearly boosters.  Failure to comply with and

      provide documentation of these requirements voids all guarantees.

4.   Buyer agrees not to breed their new puppy whether AKC registered or not registered which is in violation of this 

      agreement and agrees to spay/neuter their puppy.  

      Breeding  this dog in your care or in another persons care will violate this agreement and void this guarantee and is 

      subject to $20,000 compensation to seller. 

5.   Puppy must be owned by original buyer named in this agreement to be covered by this guarantee.

6.   To provide adequate housing away from the elements. Buyer will have a fenced yard or kennel if

      the dog will be housed outside. Your dog will NEVER be left on a chain. The Buyer will groom,

      train, and care for this dog in the manner consistent with high quality animal husbandry.

7.   The value of the pet for the purpose of this guarantee is solely the original purchase price of

      pet, and does not include any additional prices declared by the Buyer, for example: value of show 

      dog, incurred expenses or shipping fees.

8.   Buyer also agrees, that under no Circumstances is Buyer to release 

      puppy to any Rescue Group, Shelter, or any other type of facility for re-homing.  Buyer is to Contact Great White 

      Retrievers immediately and arrange for puppy to be released back to Seller or make an agreement with Great White

      Retrievers regarding rehoming.  Seller does not offer refunds for returned puppy.  Health Guarantee is non-transferable

      and void upon puppy transfer to new owner.

9.   Buyer agrees not to breed their AKC Limited registration puppy or their Goldendoodle puppy from Great White 

      Retrievers.  Should the buyers or anyone caring for

      the dog breed the dog whether by accident or intentional, then buyer agrees to compensate the seller $20,000.

10. This agreement shall be deemed and consummated in Canyon County, Idaho and shall be 

      governed by the laws of the state of Idaho.

11. Buyer agrees that seller does not guarantee temperament, behavior, color shade, size or choice of sex.



1.   Provide Buyer with AKC registration documents for our Retrievers. 

2.   Breeder guarantees that puppy has had proper care to date of release to Buyer.  Puppy has been

      thoroughly examined by our veterinarian and received its first shots.  Puppy has had at least 2-3 de-wormings.

      Shot records will be furnished at the time of purchase or shipped with the puppy.  If within 72 hours of 

      receiving the puppy and he/she is examined by a reputable veterinarian and the health of the puppy is 

      found to have a life threatening congenital defect (existing at birth), owner shall notify breeder and 

      provide a written statement from a licensed vet describing puppy's condition and shall return the 

      puppy and papers to the breeder within 3 days of the examination at buyer’s expense. Breeder will 

      replace puppy of similar value and quality from a future litter provided puppy is in the same condition 

      mentally and physically as when originally purchased. This does not include worms, fleas, mites, coccidia, 

      giardia, or any other parasites as they can be common in dogs and puppies.

3.   Breeder is not responsible if puppy contracts a communicable disease after leaving breeder's possession.

4.   Breeder guarantees puppy against any congenital defect causing death until one year of age.

5.   Breeder reserves the right to have a second opinion of a veterinarian of our choice before any action is to take place.  In 

      the case the puppy is found to have such a congenital defect causing death, the owner shall return the puppy along with

      all AKC paperwork and veterinary notes within 72 hours in order to receive a replacement puppy of similar value and 

      quality from a future litter.  There are no cash refunds.  Owner must surrender puppy to sellers upon 

      choosing to exercise replacement puppy guarantee.  All veterinary and shipping expenses are the responsibility of the 

      Buyer.  We also reserve the right  to acquire DNA to determine the dog or puppy as one of our lineages.

6.   Eye & skin disorders are not covered under this agreement.  Ailments not mentioned here within are not covered under this

7.   Your new puppy is dewormed with Pyrantel Pamoate & Fenbendazole and has had first set of vaccines and health check
     by our veterinarian and, if needed, has had any appropriate medication needed to remediate any parasites found after a
     fecal test.  *Most puppies are born with worms/parasites, which is why puppies should be wormed regularly.

8.   Seller does not guarantee temperament, behavior, color shade, size or choice of sex.






This guarantee is non-transferable. The puppy must be in good physical condition. No replacement will be given if dog has been bred. A licensed veterinarian must do all laboratory verification. The Buyer/owner is responsible for all transportation costs to and from the breeder. The breeder is not responsible for any and all veterinarian expenses accumulated on their new puppy, returned puppy or replacement puppy.  Breeder does not guarantee color, size, championship, temperament, behavior or choice of gender.  



1. Allowing your dog to become obese or underfed at any time.

a. Underfed: Ribs are highly visible

b. As puppy matures the Ideal Body Condition: Can feel and see outline of ribs. Dog has waist when viewed from above.

    Belly is tucked when viewed from the side.

c. Overfed after first few months of life:Dog has no waist when viewed from above. Belly is rounded when viewed from side. 

2. Evidence of neglect or abuse.  Puppy has been raised outdoors unprotected from the elements.

3. Previous related trauma (broken bones, related injuries, etc.)

4. Puppy has been bred.

5. Feeding this dog anything other than a premium quality dog food.

6. Evidence of Strenuous Exercise – for example: No treadmill, no extensive standing on back of legs 

    or excessive tennis ball chasing, and retrieving should be done – especially on slippery floors, no 

    jumping in and out of vehicles and be very cautious of stairs.

7. Puppy has been sold or is not under the care of original Buyer.

8. Puppy has not been seen by a licensed Veterinarian within 72 hours of purchasing from Seller.

9. Puppy has been spayed or neutered before 12 months unless buyer’s vet has deemed it necessary to do earlier. 


•No guarantees expressed or implied, are given by Great White Retrievers, the seller, except those stated herein.

•Seller warrants that he is the lawful owner of this puppy and is responsible for entering into this contract with the Buyer. The Buyer has read and understands the forgoing and agrees that all parts constitute a binding agreement with the Seller. This constitutes the entire agreement of the parties hereto with respect to sale described.

•This warranty must be printed out, signed and returned to Great White Retrievers during pick-up or before shipment of pup.


We hope that you will enjoy your puppy for years to come. We have taken steps to ensure that your new puppy is healthy by feeding it a premium puppy food. It is important that your new puppy be kept on a proper diet.  Please note: providing a higher nutritious valued food helps provide proper growth. Buyer acknowledges and affirms that Breeder has recommended, for the benefit of the puppy, certain brands of product/s; however the use of this product/s is merely a recommendation from Breeder, not a guarantee of their effectiveness or efficiency.



If you would like to reserve a puppy from a current or upcoming litter we have a $500.00 deposit fee to reserve and hold any puppy.  This will count towards the total cost.  The sex, temperament or color shade is not guaranteed.  Deposits are nonrefundable accept in the following instance:  If your deposit is made before the the puppies are born and our Dam does not conceive, in that instance, your deposit may carry over to the next litter or be refunded to you, otherwise, the deposit is NONREFUNDABLE.




The purchaser acknowledges that he or she has read, understands & agrees to the terms.




Purchase Price (includes deposit)__________________  


Sex Prefered_________  Whelping Date________________ 


Name of Dam_________________________________________  AKC#_____________________


Name of Sire__________________________________________  AKC#_____________________  



Seller’s Signature: _____________________________________   Date: ________________________ 



Buyer’s Signature: _____________________________________   Date: ________________________

Buyer's Printed Name_________________________________________________________________

Buyer's Phone Number_______________________________  Buyer's Email ________________________________________


Great White Retrievers, Vince & Renee Bell are not responsible for the death or loss of this puppy once it leaves our premises; this includes but is not limited to, sickness, accidents, personal injury or theft. The breeder is not responsible for refunds for any reason.



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